Carver Federal Savings Bank

High Yield Savings

Earn up to

4.25% ANNUAL


Apply in 3 minutes or less

  • Interest compounded daily
  • Free Zelle access
  • FDIC insured to the maximum legal limits  

Get 4.25% APY Interest with our NEW 18-Month CD account!

Open a High Rise Certificate Deposit account today.  Term apply.

Savings That Speaks Volumes with up to 4.70%

Open a High Yield Online Savings Account Today and let your savings do the talking. Earn up to 4.70% APY so you can start saving for the future, today.

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couple looking at the laptop
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Online Banking

Banking has never been easier.  Securely access your checking and savings accounts through Carver's FREE Online Banking.   Enjoy convenient access to your accounts 24 hours a day/7 days a week and pay your bills with Bill Pay!  Simplify your life. Help the environment.  Go green with paperless Statements.  Carver offers Personal and Business Online Banking, Mobile Banking, Bill Pay, E-Statements, and Deposit Capture!

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drinking coffee and using smartphone

Your community bank just got closer.

Carver Federal Savings Bank shares your commitment to your community. We offer a wide range of financial solutions to meet your banking needs.

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Mobile Banking

Download our app today and bank more conveniently.

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Lost or Stolen Card

Call us today and we can help to get a replacement card.

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Personal Savings Products

Find the right account for you, and start saving today!